3 Email Marketing Tips to Maximize Your Mother’s Day Results


Mum’s the Word The third-most popular holiday in terms of consumer spending is also one that tends to sneak up on us the most. With spring in full swing, barbecues heating up, and beach season beckoning, a day devoted to Mom catches even the most conscientious of us by surprise. As marketers, we can capitalize on both people’s propensity to … Read More

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5 Ways to Reach Your Clients During the Holiday Shopping Season


Tis’ the Season It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A seasonal sleigh ride of cookie baking, snowman building, and enough email marketing opportunites to make Santa smile. In fact, 20% of online sales among eCommerce retailers came directly from strategically sent email campaigns during the 2015 holiday season. Whether your gift-giving goal is to drive sales, get people … Read More

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