How Do I Disable the Unredeem Option?

Businesses now have the option to prevent employees from using (and potentially abusing) the unredeem feature for coupons and purchases at

Business owners can still unredeem by finding a subscriber under the Customers section and viewing their purchase/coupon claim history.

Disabling the Unredeem Option
  • Go to your Settings
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  • Check the box under Redemption that says Disable the ‘unredeem’ button for claims and purchases?
  • Click Save


Business Owners: How to Unredeem
  • Under the Customers tab, search for the customer’s name
  • All of their purchases populate to the right, select the purchase you’d like to unredeem
  • In the pop-up, you’ll see the Status of the claim
  • If the offer has been redeemed, the option to Undo will populate
  • Select Undo and click out of the pop-up window
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