How Do I Schedule a Campaign?

  • Click Edit to the right of the campaign you want to schedule.
  • Click on Distribute at the top of the page.
  • Enter a start date in the future, then select whether you want the campaign to have an end date or if it should run continuously.
  • You will generally want to turn on at least one distribution channel for a campaign.  The distribution channels available for a campaign are shown in the Distribute screen.
    • Channels that are on will be used for the campaign.  Channels that are off will not be used for the campaign.
    • Channels that are Disabled are not yet properly configured to use in a campaign.
    • To turn On/Off a channel, click the toggle button on the right side.
  • Select Review at the top of the page to activate your campaign.
  • Click the blue  Schedule Campaign button.
    • Once your campaign is scheduled, its status will be set to Scheduled.
    • The campaign will become Active once the start date has been reached.
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