How Do I Issue a Refund in FetchRev?

If a customer calls and needs a refund for a purchase they’ve made, you can refund them in your FetchRev portal.

  • Go to your Customers tab.
  • Look them up via name or email address used for the purchase.
  • To the left of to their name, click on the blue box that shows what the customer purchased.
  • In the screen that pops up, click the red Refund button.
  • Once you click Refund, a dialog box will pop open confirming that you want the refund to go through.
  • Click Okay.

The offer can not be refunded if it’s been marked as redeemed. Once you refund a customer in FetchRev, this action cannot be reversed. The funds will return to your customer’s account in 4-10 business days.

It is also possible to issue a refund through your Stripe account.

Click this link to view the Stripe FAQ for additional information about issuing refunds in Stripe.
Starting May 20, 2019, Stripe is making changes to the way refunds will be processed through Stripe. Click here to view the new changes.


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