How Do I Update/Change the Offers on My Website Plugin?

The FetchRev website plugin allows you to monetize your website using your FetchRev offers.

Once you have the line of code installed on the backend of your website, you can manage which campaigns show on your website from within FetchRev portal.

  • Click the Plugins tab at the top of your FetchRev portal screen.
    • This will show the current campaigns that are assigned to your website plugin.
  •  Next to each plugin, you’ll see it states which campaigns are currently assigned to that plugin. In order to add or remove a campaign from your plugin, click the Edit button on the right-hand side.
  • Choose Select Campaigns from the left-hand side.
    • On the left-hand side of the screen, you’ll see the campaigns that are currently on the plugin.
  • To remove a campaign, click the x in the right-hand corner of the campaign box.
  • To add campaigns, click the Select Campaign button.
    • This will show you a list of all your active campaigns.
    • Click the campaign(s) you’d like to add to your website plugin.
    • Once clicked it will be added to the list of current campaigns running.
  • When there are multiple campaigns assigned to one plugin, they will show up in this order as a carousel. To change the order, simply click and drag the campaigns.
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