What is Stripe? How Does it Work?

Stripe is a simple platform for accepting online payments.  It processes billions of dollars of transactions per year for thousands of businesses.

We utilize Stripe to process credit card purchases made through FetchRev campaigns.

As part of the account onboarding process, you will create a Stripe account that will be synced with your FetchRev account.  Any revenue from purchases that are made through your campaigns will be processed through your Stripe account and be deposited directly into your bank account. As the business owner, you can decide if you’d like to be paid any time a transaction is processed, or bi-weekly.

Your Stripe account will provide you specific information on purchases made, as well as deposits into your bank account.

Stripe charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.  There is no setup fee or hidden cost, and you do not pay if a charge is refunded.  More details are at https://stripe.com/us/pricing.
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